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AlphaCom Server System


With AlphaCom XE audio servers, flexibility is key. You can have just a few or thousands of users spread around different locations. Thanks to its open, modular design and scalable architecture, AlphaCom XE has the flexibility to grow with your business and adapt to your long term needs. The system can be tailored to support applications of almost unlimited specificity and complexity.

Vingtor-Stentofon’s CCoIP® (Critical Communication over IP) implies the employment of Voice over IP applications required in critical situations. AlphaCom XE is designed with CCoIP incorporation which ensures the delivery of instant and secure voice and data services. The AlphaCom XE system provides carrier class system availability and protects resources in an IP intercom environment by using embedded IP security mechanisms. The main security mechanisms used are restricted management access, separate management interface, internal firewall, integrity check (MD5), virtual LAN (IEEE 802.1Q) and network access control (IEEE 802.1X).


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Express Marine Electronics Co. Ltd.


Unit 2, 23/F., Man Shing Ind. Bldg.,
307-311 Castle Peak Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong

香港 葵涌 青山公路307-311號
萬勝工業大廈 23樓 2室

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